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Goals Activity” link on page 7 does not work correctly and states “Access Denied” when you are directed to the UVA HR site
The page numbers beginning with “1” for each chapter is beneficial in this regard. However, the reader is always returned to the beginning of the text after reviewing various links in each chapter. Therefore, the reader must remember the page number and the specific chapter to continue reading.
Links to external resources work well. However, each time I would select the “back” arrow to return to the text, it would always return to the beginning of the text instead of where I was reading. M.A.R.T.
The References section (p. 9) of the Weight Management chapter has yellow highlighted sections that need final updates / corrections.
The text could be enhanced by including statistical data regarding physical activity levels of individuals based on their race, ethnicity, and background.
The content is covered accurately and broadly; but, i found commonplace in most chapters to mix in high level knowledge concepts with introductory ones. If this is intended to be used as an introduction book I believe it would be beneficial to. read more
The content is covered accurately and broadly; but, i found commonplace in most chapters to mix in high level knowledge concepts with introductory ones. If this is intended to be used as an introduction book I believe it would be beneficial to expand explanation on introduction terms and set the stage for future classes to discuss more in-depth topics. At times it felt as content was being put place where it didn’t necessarily fit, examples: supplements discussions during muscular strength and endurance chapter (there is a nutritional chapter), energy systems in cardiorespiratory chapter (I understand the link and see the rationale, but these are two complex subjects that are typically discussed separately). In a nutshell, it tries to be encompass too much information into each chapter, which I believe ends up hurting the overall intent of the chapter.
The information is accurate and reliable. Authors cite respectable organizations, author, and groundbreaking theories and papers. The biggest issue is on how the information is delivered. Biggest issue is the reliance on links that dont work; hence the 3 rating.
The “Making S
Topics are relevant to any field as health should be viewed as priority to most in today’s world. It encompass and discusses the multi-factorial nature of health with suggestion and activities for actions (although this is an issue as some chapters have this and some don’t; there inconsistencies in how information is delivered in a per-chapter basis). Biggest issue is that it relies heavily on links that dont work.
I thought that most chapters seemed to lose sight of their original objectives. It seems that quantity of information per chapter was a higher need than strength of relevance to items discussed.
This was the biggest issue for me, there is very little consistency throughout the book on how the information was delivered. It seems to me there was little communication among the authors on how the textbooks chapter’s were supposed to be formatted. There is overlap of content, content that does not necessarily belong in chapters, and inconsistencies with: – Objectives: some chapters don’t have it. – References: Some chapters have it, some don’t; some are APA formatted, some are not. – Page numbers: each chapter reset the pages – Labs/Activities: some chapters have it, some dont. Some are introduced randomly (one came after the references, which i thought was the end of the chapter, than it started listing all these activities) – Some chapters have complete different fonts and spacing. Overall, I believe it would highly be beneficial for authors to sit and establish parameters in what exactly should be in each chapter and agree on a standard way of formatting
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